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The UIViewController class provides built-in support for loading a view controller’s views whenever they are needed. Specifically, views are automatically loaded when the view property is accessed. There are a few ways you can implement your app to load these views:
At runtime, the view controller uses the storyboard to automatically instantiate and configure its views. Often, the view controller itself is automatically created by segues defined in the storyboard. When you define a view controller's contents using a storyboard, you never directly allocate and initialize the view controller object. Instead, when you need to programmatically instantiate the view controller, you do so by calling the instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: method on a UIStoryboard object.
To initialize your view controller object using a nib, you use the initWithNibName:bundle: method to specify the nib file used by the view controller. Then, when the view controller needs to load its views, it automatically creates and configures the views using the information stored in the nib file.
All of these techniques have the same end result, which is to create the appropriate set of views and expose them through the view property.